To showcase and demonstrate the hidden skills and remarkable talents of the students, Milagres English Medium School, Kallianpur conducted a unique event called – “Talenton-2023” over the course of two days on October 10 and 11, 2023. Through various competitions. the students exhibited tremendous enthusiasm and determination, as it was an interclass competition.
The event witnessed active participation from a majority of students from all the classes, who competed with great fervor displaying their exceptional talents in diverse categories.
After two days of spirited competition, it was Class 10 A that emerged as the overall winners of Talenton 2023. Their outstanding performances in multiple events helped them secure the top position with an impressive tally of 61 points exhibiting their dedication, commitment, and exceptional skills.
The success of Talenton 2023 would not have been possible without the support and cooperation of the students, teachers, and staff members of the School. It not only highlighted the individual students talents and skills but also fostered a sense of healthy competition and unity. It was also a platform for students to exhibit their hidden talents and will be remembered as a highlight in the academic and extracurricular calendar of Milagres English Medium School.