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- Pupils must arrive at the school at least 10 minutes before the first bell, which rings at 8-50 a.m., any student coming later than 8-50 a.m. is considered Late. If found late more than once, parents will be called and word will be sent home and marked absent in the Attendance Register. As usual, the late coming record will be maintained in the School Diary.
- During school hours pupils must speak only in English. If students found speaking in vernacular languages (Tulu, Konkani etc.,) they will be warned by the teachers and fine imposed.
- Cleanliness, neatness in dress, refinement of manners and punctuality are expected of pupils at all times.
- The students are not allowed to loiter/congregate in the corridors or on the campus during working hours. They should move from one classroom to another in a disciplined manner without causing disturbance to other classes.
- All students are required to come to the classes/functions neatly dressed in well laundered uniform on all days of the week. No coloured dress is allowed. For each untidy turn out a fine fixed by the Management will have to be paid. Untidy turn out includes : Not ironed/torn uniform, different shoes and socks other than those prescribed by the school, long unkept hair (Boys), long but not plaited hair (Girls), unclipped finger nails, using mehandi or nail polish, fancy ear tops, hair bands, pen/pencil pouches, anklets, chain, digital watches, play items, cards etc.
- Girls have to wear tights and petticoats and boys vests and brief, compulsorily.
- Boys are expected to have regular hair cut which has to be simple and short Eg : crew cut/police cut.
- Wearing tattoos and ear rings/ studs on one ear is not allowed. The school Belt and ID card have to be worn every day. Failing which, a fine fixed by the Management will have to be paid respectively.
- No form of jewellery is allowed with the uniform such as bangles, long ear rings, chains finger rings and anklets etc.
- Damaging school property both moveable and immovable, fighting in class rooms, use of abusive language, misbehavior and discourteous manners will be dealt with severely by the Headmaster. After initial warning and fine, stringent action will be taken.
- The school, though not responsible for the conduct of students outside its premises, will take cognizance of any serious misconduct committed outside the school.
- Munching chewing gum on campus and inside the class room is treated as a punishable offense with fine.
- The school diary has to be brought every day without fail. A fine will have to be paid if failed to do so. If the diary is lost, a duplicate diary has to be bought paying Rs. 100/- and get it signed by the Headmaster. School diary, with any written remarks, needs to be signed by the parent. If not, the student is not allowed to go to class and the parent will be called for signature.
- Late Comers Record / Homework not done / Misbehavior Record will be maintained in the diary.
- No books other than the text-books and library books given in school may be brought to the school.
- No students should go out of the school premises during the Lunch Break.
- Parents, Guardians or other persons are not allowed to speak to the students or their teachers during class hours without the permission of the H.M.
- No students or staff member will be called to the phone during school hours. In case of urgency, message received on the phone will be conveyed to H.M.
- Pupils must not join any clubs or societies or make any engagements that would interfere with their studies.
- During rainy season pupils must bring umbrellas/raincoats.
- Girls are strictly required to tie two plaits on Saturdays.
- No pupils will be excused from games, drill etc., except on medical grounds.
- Distribution of sweets and celebration on birthdays is not allowed and discouraged.
- In case of unauthorized holidays taken without prior permission, the pupil will have to pay the fine.
- Loosing Calendar or ID Card is a grave mistake on the part of students. Those who lose the calendar will have to get an apology letter from the parents and also pay a heavy fine before applying for a new calendar. Parents must take responsibility to check the ID Card and Calendar of their ward regularly.